¡Hola a Todos! Tanto tiempo otra vez, no? Me he prometido a mi misma escribir más asiduamente, espero cumplirlo. También he pensado en pasarme a un blog audiovisual en Vimeo o Youtube, pero ya hablaré de ello más adelante.
Hoy quería contarles que hace un par de semanas ya no vivo sola. El 1 de marzo fui hasta Málaga a recoger a mi pequeña Matilda. Luego de ver las fotos, díganme si no es un amor.
Prácticamente ya está habituada en su nueva casa y hace un par de días, Jose, su nuevo veterinario en Madrid, le ha puesto las últimas vacunas y ya hemos bajado al parque a jugar dos veces (Donde por cierto la pasa fenomenal).
Este viernes nos vamos juntas a California, por eso, estos últimos días, estuvimos de un lado a otro tramitando su pasaporte y el certificado de salud que expide el Ministerio de Agroindustria para cuando un perrito viaja a algunos países como Estados Unidos.
No cabe dudas que Matilda será muy mimada y consentida.
Hello everybody! It's been a long time since my last post. I know. I'm sorry. I've promised myself to write more assiduously, I hope I'm able to do that. I have also thought of creating an audiovisual blog on Vimeo or YouTube, but I'll talk about that in another post.
Today I wanted to tell you that since a couple of weeks ago I haven't lived alone anymore. I went to Malaga on March 1st with the purpose of picking up my beautiful and little Matilda. After seeing the pictures you an tell me whether or not she is absolutely gorgeous.
She's already used to her new home and a couple of days ago, Jose, her new vet in Madrid gave her last vaccinations and we could finally go to the park to play. We went twice already actually and she really loves it.
This coming Friday, both of us are going to California, therefore, these past days we have been driving up and down doing the paper work to get her passport and also the health certification that is required for a puppy when visiting some countries such us the United States.
I've no doubts Matilda is going to be very spoiled and loved!
Twitter: @zcamilavictoria
Insagram: zcamilavictoria
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Matilda at the vet #poodles #caniches |
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Con Eugenio #poodles #caniches |
Passport #poodles #caniches |
Ready to go #poodles #caniches |
Studying with MOMY #poodles #caniches |