El último día de mi visita a Argentina, en Buenos Aires, me cruce con un amigo que entraba en una librería en plena avenida Corrientes. Lo seguí, lo saludé y nos quedamos charlando un buen rato. De repente veo que un título le llama la atención "Perras y Gatos ¿Los hombres las prefieren malas?" y haciendose el gracioso me lo regala. "Creo que el título va con vos" me dijo y luego de darle un empujón, entre carcajadas me fui a empacar, porque viajaba esa noche, con el libro de María Isabel Sánchez en la mano.
A las 21.30hs salía mi vuelo IB6844 con destino Madrid. Llegué justo a tiempo porque la autopista estaba cortada -Qué raro en Argentina-. En fin, ni bien embarqué el avión me puse a leer el libro y lo termine la mañana siguiente antes de aterrizar. Estuvo muy entretenido - más que las películas que pasaban- sobre todo el prologo del humorista Rolo Villar, del cual voy a transcribir dos párrafos. Ya leer el libro es decisión de cada uno. Yo lo recomiendo, es divertido.
"Siempre sostuve que el hombre que no tiene suerte con las mujeres ¡No sabe la suerte que tiene! [...] Mi primera conclusión es que no hay nada más fácil que un hombre: alardeamos de inteligencia, nos jactamos de tener más noches que la luna, presumimos de las siete féminas que cada hombre tiene para sí, pero terminamos sucumbiendo ante la tela de la peor araña ¿Será porque en el fondo tenemos menos calle que Venecia?"
"En el fondo las entiendo (a las mujeres), y hasta justifico que se vuelvan malas. Tal vez la culpa es nuestra (de los hombres) porque, si son tiernas, le decimos que son cursis; si no se arreglan, las tratamos de abandonadas y, si se producen, les decimos que parecen trolas. Si se acuestan con nosotros la primera noche, las tratamos de rápidas y, si se niegan, de mojigatas. Si no crecen en su trabajo las tratamos de fracasadas y, si las ascienden, les decimos trepadoras. Si no cocinan, ni limpian, ni planchan, las tratamos de cómodas y, si son las amas de casa perfectas, las dejamos por un gato. Si son buenas nos aprovechamos de ellas. Si son malas, nos enamoramos."
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The last day of my visit to Argentina, in Buenos Aires, I ran into a friend who was getting into a bookstore on Corrientes Avenue. I followed him, I greeted him and we chatted for a while. Suddenly I see a title on a book called his attention "Perras y gatos. Do men prefer badgirls?" (Hard to translate because here "Perras: dogs" and "Gatos: cats" refer to words from the Argentinean slung to refer to naughty girls, bitches and sluts) And then, being funny, he bought that book and gave it to me as a present. "I think the title goes with you" he said and after I pushed him away, laughing, I went back home to pack my stuff with the book written by Maria Isabel Sanchez on my hands.
At 9.30pm was my IB6844 flight to Madrid. I arrived just in time because the highway was cut -not a strange thing that happens in Argentina-. Anyway, as soon as I boarded the plane I started reading the book which I finished the next morning before landing. It was very entertaining - more than the movies that were being shown- especially the prologue written by the comedian Rolo Villar. I will transcribe two paragraphs from it. Then, reading the whole book is up to each of you. I recommend it, it's fun.
"I have always said that the man who has no luck with women does not know how lucky he is! [...] My first conclusion is that there is nothing easier than a man: he brags about intelligence, he boasts of having more nights than the moon, he presumes of the seven females that every man has for himself, but he ends up succumbing into the worst spider web, is it because we have less streets than Venice? (meaning: they're not streetwise at all - In Argentinean slung people who does not "have streets" are people that are not bright, claver or does not know to identify and resolve problems right away because of a lack of experience)"
"Basically I understand them (women), and even I justify that they go bad. Perhaps the fault is ours (men) because, if they are tender, we say that they are cheesy, if they don't dress up and make up, we say they look neglected and abandoned, if they do dress up and make up, we say they look like a prostitute. If they sleep with us the first night, we treat them as easy-girls, sluts and if they refuse, we say they are prudes. If they do not get a promotion in their work, we treat them as losers, as if they were not good for anything, and if they are promoted, we say that they are social climbers. If they do not cook or clean or iron, we treat them as lazybones and if they are the perfect housewives, we leave them for a naughty girl, a slut. If they are nice we take advantage of them. If they are bad, we fall in love with them."
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